AWE Institute ("AI"), is a 501(c)(3) fiscally-sponsored project founded for the purpose of positively transforming the relationships of humankind to each other and the planet to create regenerative abundance and ecosystemic thriving for all.  AI will promote regenerative design, circular resource management, and biomimetic innovation that will transform humankind to do the following:

  • Build local self-sufficient and regenerative economies;

  • Mitigate greenhouse gasses and climate risks by using clean fuels and localizing needs;

  • Reduce waste to zero by reusing, recycling, composting, repurposing and upcycling all waste;

  • Create agricultural abundance to end starvation;

  • Create regenerative and green jobs to end poverty; and

  • Promote greater love, connection and harmony between people and planet;

As it relates to AWE Communities, AI will be responsible for (i) resource and land conservation, (ii) wellness research and support programs including community health, longevity, quality-of-life, women's health, childcare, senior-care, and hospice, (iii) lifelong learning programs including applied and interactive education for K-12, adults and enterprise with a focus on providing highly personalized and practical education and certification courses on abundance, wellness, enlightenment, empowerment, regenerative technology, ethical governance and finance, whole systems design, and community development. 

AI will also advance relationships outside AWE Communities by providing scholarship programs, research and development grants, and broader community events and exchange.

AI will create content and classes in collaboration with AWE Media Arts Communications and Marketing Center (“MACMC”) with subjects including human potential, wellness, community living, collaborative consumption, ethical governance, whole-systems dynamics, living systems innovation, regenerative and healthy housing and built- environment, biomimicry, corporate responsibility, socio-politic-economic reform, ecosystem thriving, climate risk mitigation, resource conservation, waste management and upcycling, regenerative agroforestry, planetary stewardship, spiritual evolution, human connection and intimacy, and functional enlightenment.  These offerings will be marketed, organized, promoted, and licensed by MACMC and operated in collaboration with AWE Communities and AWE Centers.

AI will also act as a conservation land trust.  In this capacity, AI will accept donations of land and real property and will conservatively manage the donated property in accordance with its principles of regenerability, abundance, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility.  It is anticipated that reasonable percentages of the land held in conservation trust will be used for regenerative agriculture, recreation and natural connection, and community centers, while the majority is maintained in its natural state, subject to the terms of a conservation trust or easement.

AI will generate funds through education and certification programs, research, consulting, grants, endowments, land leases, licensing, commissions and equity stakes in incubated ventures.  AI will also offer courses and certifications through online, mobile and web 3 apps.  AI will also seek to partner with accredited schools to offer its courses and/or apply for its own accreditation.