AWE Communities is targeting land that lends itself to regenerability and self-sufficiency. Target locations will include (i) abundant pure water supply, (ii) nutrient rich soil, (iii) long growing season, (iv) environment conducive to farming and renewable energy use, (v) easy access to transportation infrastructure, (vi) within 150 miles of a metropolitan area and/or airport access, and (vii) a regulatory environment, leaders and local community supportive of mixed-use, regenerative community development, alternative health with expedited processes for developing and building regenerative communities. In addition to the foregoing, AWE Communities will target properties that have unique recreational, health, cultural and/or ecological attributes such as hot springs, surf breaks, mountain sports, water sports, blue zone longevity, and/or proximal bio-diverse rainforest or coral reefs.
The collaborative and self-sufficient culture of AWE Communities is highly appealing to conscious Millennials, Baby Boomers-active seniors, and transformative Gen Zers, seeking awakened self-sufficient regenerative community lifestyles that integrate (i) beautiful surroundings, (ii) optimal wellness programs for peak health, longevity, and personal development, (iii) social-economic and entrepreneurial opportunities that promote ecosystemic thriving, (iv) regenerative agroforestry providing fresh organic food and materials, and (v) experiences that foster individual growth and community connection, love, abundance, wellness, and empowerment.
Locations for AWE Communities currently being considered include Portugal, New Zealand, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Brazil, Vietnam and Fiji. We are open to other locations where AWE Communities can receive significant support and incentives that will positively impact the environment, health and economic development of a region.
For optimal social, skill-set, and economic diversity, AWE Communities have been designed for a resident population between 500-1,500 members and a visitor/hospitality capacity of 200-500 persons per night. To be financially successful, AWE Communities only needs to attract a very small percentage of the 16% of the American population (approximately 53 million people) seeking to move offshore.[1] AWE will additionally market internationally to potential residential members including the Americas, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa.
We believe that with COVID-19 and mandatory vaccine agendas, continuing ecological destruction by industry, supply-chain shut downs, and the massive lay-offs seen since 2020, more and more people are seeking greater health, abundance, independence, freedom, sovereignty, connection, and security from living in a self-sufficient, regenerative community rather than depending upon corporations, governments, central banks, and centralized supply chains. AWE Communities fulfills these demands.
[1] https://news.gallup.com/poll/245789/record-numbers-americans-leave.aspx